Full Body Waxing Services in Gurnee

How To Get The Best Wax Experience

To ensure a smooth and comfortable experience, follow these steps to prepare for your wax appointment:

Avoid shaving/trimming 2-3 weeks before your appointment, gently exfoliate 2 days before your appointment, thoroughly cleanse the area before arriving to your appointment, avoid excess sun exposure and avoid retinol products, acne treatments, and chemical peels 7 days before your appointment.

Waxing Wherever There’s Hair

We’re here to support your beauty goals! Whether it’s shaping your eyebrows to perfection, or keeping your legs hair-free for weeks at a time, The Glowthetician is here to support you.

Your esthetician provides personalized aftercare recommendations for you to achieve the best results. You can expect your waxing results to last about 3 to 4 weeks until needing to book another appointment!